Course to Campus: Day 1!!

Statutatory Warning: This might be my longest post till date!

Icy-hot weather, marches against Australia, long queues, dumb volunteers, comic tragedies, eye candies(!!), vodafone free cabs, bantas,swindlingrickshew-walas and a feel of a completely new world!!

These are things which marked the first day in my Course to Campus!!

B der at NSP at 9.30, dont b l8, v r nt goin 2 w8 4 ne1″ I messaged at night!
We were supposed to be 8 but 4 of them backstabbed! But the remaining 4, began our journey at 10 (only 30mins late and thatz a gr8 acheivement!!) for north campus through metro, fully energised and excited. But our smiles were only short lived. As soon as v reached Kashmere Gate, our smiles were replaced by laughter (and that means trouble!!).
My frnd Saurav ran to catch the metro, but his sunglasses fell and it fell down from that 1 inch gap between metro gate and platform, over the metro track and he nearly had an heart-attack!! After an extended-brief laughter session, we went the following way:
Platform guard 1 -> Customer Care1-> Customer care 2 -> Platform Guard 2-> Platform Supervisor-> Customer Care 2 -> Platform Guard 3
But finally, 3rd guard with the help of a specialized stick got Saurav his sunglasses back absolutely intack!!
Moving on, we reached North Campus at 11.30 and followed the rule: ‘Follow the Crowd’ and that took us to the Arts Faculty. On the way, v thought about renting a bicycle each (That wud hav been quite amusing and adventurous!!) But cudn’t bcz we didnt have Photo ID proof. It was really difficult to keep out eyes in front but somehow, we managed! ;-)
Outside Arts faculty, there were people getting themselves photographed while protesting against Australia! Inside, there was a never-ending queue for Commom Pre-Admission Form! But there came to the rescue Ankit and Thanda. It was an ancient trick but I was astouned seeing how cleanly they executed it. First of all, they found a target in the initial part of the line, went to them and asked them some general questions like cost of the form, admission procedure. They shared some jokes and during the process they kept on moving ahead with them. Neither the targeted person or the people standing behind them would have got any clue and all 4 of us had our forms in our hands within 10minutes (saving aleast half an hour!).
But we spent the saved time in finding out Thanda’s form for journalism. He asked one of the NSUI volunteers and the conversation went like this
“where are the journalism forms available??”
“What? ‘General’ forms! They are available outside”
“No forms of Journalism in English!”
“English? English Honours! Its form are available at room No.52”
Then I asked the other person, he told us the room number but that was for Hindi Journalism!
Then came third volunteer but he also guided us to the wrong room.
At that moment i realized that its 12:45 and forms won’t be available after 1PM and I had to get the individual forms from St.Stephen’s, Hansraj, Hindu, KMC, SRCC and Ramjas from the respective colleges (I am yet to understand the logic of filling individual forms when we are filling a common form, but everyone does this, so even i had to!!)

Our group of 4 departed in two parts: Me and Saurav for colleges’ individual forms (6 colleges in 15mins!) and Ankit and Thanda for Journalism form, But we all faltered!!
12:45PM: We seperated in 2 groups of two
12:50PM:Me and saurav took a rikshaw and that rikshewala charged Rs.20 for a mere walking distance.
12:55PM: We reached St Stephen’s
5mins to go! We ran.
12:57PM: I was standing in queue
12:59PM: The person in front of me, bought his form and it was my turn now!
1:00PM: Time over! I requested the form seller. Pleaded him. But, actually, his stock of forms was finished. So he was also helpless!
Now me and saurav had to wait for an hour uptil 2PM to get the form. We checked out other colleges. But they didn’t have even 2PM timings. It was all over for them!
Meanwhile, I called Thanda and I was stunned and furious to know that he and ankit had already taken the metro and were heading home without waiting for or even informing us! :-x
I then had the first slice of the North campus’ famous drink,banta(lemon-drink)
We then spent next 40mins admiring the green cover of colleges and uncovered galz(lolz!). There were some more protests against Australia. Some more poses. Some more photographs!
The clock striked 2. I bought Stephen’s form and we headed our way back to Metro Station!
Overall, it was a pleasant experience,an experience of a new life! A glance of future!! The vibes you get visiting North Campus cannot be explained in mere words! You can only experience it!

After day one, i now has some idea of some important stuffs. If you are planning to visit North Campus then do care about these things:

1) Try and reach the campus at 9.30-10AM. Don’t be late!

2) Do carry a water-bottle. Its dreadfully hot

3) Do wear your sunglasses. The loo (warm winds) blows through your eyes and of course, for style (But do not throw them on metro track!)

4) Better travel in smaller groups

5) Bargain for the best deal to rickshewalas.

6) Don’t rely on information given by volunteers

7) Look out for Vodafone Free Cab Services

8) Don’t get distracted by hot chics/hunks


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Author: sarthakg

A terrible dancer, an abrasive singer and a Chartered Accountant, Sarthak Goyal has been penning his mind through the blog ‘Something. Nothing. Everything’ since 2009. In whatever little time he gets away from sleep, he works for his venture,

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